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Privacy Policy

Policy Regarding Personal Data Collection and Usage

Greetings and salutations from Johnny Hampton LLC. In this part, you'll find information on the Website's Privacy Policies. You should be aware that our privacy policies are subject to change without prior notice and that you are responsible for reviewing them consistently.

At Johnny Hampton LLC, we place a high value on the confidentiality and security of your personal information. The practices of Johnny Hampton LLC concerning the information collected from website visitors are detailed in this Privacy Policy. 

By accessing and using this Website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as the Website's Terms and Conditions of access and any other policies. Your use of the Website and access to it constitutes your express permission to our use and dissemination of your personal information in the ways stated in this Privacy Policy. Neither users who browse the Website without transacting business on it nor users who have registered on the Website are exempt from the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Generally, "Personal Information" refers to any information that identifies, contacts, or locates the person to whom it pertains or can be used to do so. Examples of such information include but are not limited to:

  • A person's name and address, a phone number, a fax number;
  • An email address;
  • Financial profiles;
  • An identification number;
  • Credit card information;
  • Other such information.

The Following Terms of Our Privacy Policy Are Important: Please Review Them.

By agreeing to this privacy policy, you give Johnny Hampton LLC permission to collect, store, and use any information you supply on our Website. The types of information we collect include: 

  • all information entered by you on our Website, such as your name, address, contact number, email ID, chat history, and any other information sent by you via email to our email ID; 
  • All information entered by you on our affiliated websites, such as your name, address, contact number, email ID, and any other information sent by you via emails;
  • Cookie files which are small text files downloaded to your computer's hard drive and save information about you;
  • Information such as your computer's IP address, the server from which you are accessing our Website, the web browser and operating system you are using to access our Website, the date, time, and location from which you are visiting our Website, and other similar information.


In your browser's context, cookies are little pieces of information that are saved to the computer's hard drive. Cookies are used to keep track of different elements of your visit and help Johnny Hampton LLC offer you an uninterrupted experience on our Website. No Personal Information is stored on Johnny Hampton LLC's servers in cookies to share with third parties.

Based on Display Advertising, we have added Google Analytics functionalities (Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager Integration, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting). Visitors may opt-out of Google Analytics for display advertising and tailor Google Display Network ads through the Advertisements Settings.

Our company, in conjunction with third-party vendors, such as Google, uses first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together in order to report on how our ad impressions, other uses of ad services, and interactions with these ad impressions and ad services are associated. 

The Nature of The Data Collection

It is entirely optional for you to provide us with your personal information. Nevertheless, suppose you wish to subscribe to our newsletter and register with our group customer database and use any other services offered on the Website. In that case, you must complete all mandatory fields of the relevant forms, failing which you will be unable to provide the contractual services you have requested from us.

If you do not give your consent, we may not be able to carry out the purposes, including:

  • the ability to provide you with personalized services;
  • Inform you of any initiatives that may be of interest to you;
  • Send you any other commercial information about Johnny Hampton LLC's products, initiatives, or events.

You may withdraw or reconfigure your approval to our handling of your Personal Data at a certain time if you wish. You can do so by writing to the Data Controller, clicking on the "unsubscribe" link that appears in all of our commercial electronic communications, and following any other appropriate procedures that Johnny Hampton LLC may make available to you.

The Methods of Processing

Processing of your Personal Data will take place using appropriate electronic or automated means and computerized tools, or by hand and on hard copy. These will be used exclusively for the purposes for which they were collected while also protecting the security and confidentiality of any processed information. Individuals within Johnny Hampton LLC or affiliated processing third parties, who are duly authorized to do so in their work responsibilities, will process your Personal Data.


Every piece of information gathered by Johnny Hampton LLC, whether via the Website or through apps put on the Website, is owned by Johnny Hampton LLC. It is intended for use by Johnny Hampton LLC to contact you about the Website and related news and services made available on the Website. These are:

  • to monitor and improve the Website; 
  • to calculate the number of visitors to the Website;
  • to know the geographical locations of the visitors; 
  • to update you on all the special offers that are made available on the Website;
  • To provide you with a more personalized shopping experience. 

This involves sending emails to customers informing them about the many promotions available on the Website, tracking purchases and shipping, among other things. If you no longer wish to receive such emails, you may unsubscribe. You should be aware that some of your information may be shared with and utilized by third parties, such as courier companies, credit card processing firms, suppliers and other services providers. If you provide information to Johnny Hampton LLC through the Website, Johnny Hampton LLC will not enable any unauthorized people or organizations to utilize such information.

On the other hand, Johnny Hampton LLC is not liable for any information collected, shared, or utilized by any other third-party website or as a result of the settings of your browser.

To comply with subpoenas, court demands, or other legal processes, Johnny Hampton LLC maintains the right to disclose your personal information with other parties. Such subpoenas, court orders, or legal procedures may result in disclosing your personal information without your knowledge or consent.

Occasionally, Johnny Hampton LLC may share aggregate information, such as demographics and website or mobile application use data, with our sponsors, advertisers, or other third parties (including, but not limited to, Johnny Hampton LLC's marketing partners and network providers). These third parties do not have access to your Personal Information when this sort of information is shared with them. Whenever you communicate with Johnny Hampton LLC by any method, such as chat or email, Johnny Hampton LLC maintains the right to use your email address for marketing purposes. At any moment, you have the option to unsubscribe from such messages.

Links on this Website may take you to other websites. We want to point out that once you leave our Website, you will be subject to the Privacy Policies of the other websites, and this Privacy Policy will no longer be applicable.

Use of the website constitutes your agreement with the terms of this privacy policy and any other policies of Johnny Hampton LLC. Johnny Hampton LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete any portions of the terms of this privacy policy or any other policies at any time.

If you have any queries regarding our Privacy Policy or other policies, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Website or email us. Thank you.

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